
E-zevis is the world’s largest FREE marketplace for swapping from Shenaza Technologies Inc. (STI). The E-zevis app is used globally, it’s simple, secure, reliable, and private, so you can easily swap a variety of items in your local community or distant cities. The E-zevis app works across all mobile platforms and will also soon be on desktop.

Swap, exchange, and trade to find thousands of unique items in both nearby and distant cities. You can swap or trade your new or used items for anything on the E-zevis app. The choice is yours with E-zevis. As the only app dedicated to swapping and trading, E-zevis makes it easy to find great deals on the things you want for the things you don’t want. If you don’t want your 50-inch TV anymore, swap it for the laptop that you do want. Ditch the buy and sell platforms – swapping is the best way to get rid of things you don’t want for the best value in your community, with the E-zevis mobile app you can trust.